Check string

This example is for Wiring version 1.0 build 0100+. If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. If you see any errors or have comments, please let us know.

This example demonstrates Messenger's copy string method It simply echos the string back

#include <Messenger.h>

// Instantiate Messenger object with the message function and the default separator 
// (the space character)
Messenger message = Messenger(); 

// Define the max size of the string
// The size must be big enough to hold the longest string you are expecting
#define MAXSIZE 30 

// Create a char array (string) to hold the received string
char string[MAXSIZE]; 

// Define messenger function
void messageCompleted() {
  // This loop will echo each element of the message separately
  while ( message.available() ) {
    Serial.print(string); // Echo the string
    Serial.println(); // Terminate the message with a carriage return

void setup() {
  // Initiate Serial Communication

void loop() {
  // The following line is the most effective way of 
  // feeding the serial data to Messenger
  while ( Serial.available() ) message.process( );
