Framework (A-Z)

Reference for Wiring version 1.0 Build 0100+ If you have a previous version, use the reference included with your software. If see any errors or have any comments, let us know.



Vector < int > intVector;

void setup() {
  pinMode(WLED, OUTPUT);  
  // turn ON wiring hardware LED
  digitalWrite(WLED, HIGH);
  // add 255 elements to the vector (from 0 to 254)
  for (int i=0; i<255; i++) {  
  Serial.print("The vector's capacity is: ");
  // print the vector's capacity
  Serial.println(intVector.capacity(), DEC);  

  // check if contains number 15
  if (intVector.contains(15) == true) {  
    Serial.println("The vector contains the element 15");
  Serial.print("The vector's first element is: ");
  // print the vector's first element
  Serial.println(intVector.firstElement(), DEC);  
  Serial.print("The vector's index for element 30 is: ");
  // print the vector's element at position 30
  Serial.println(intVector.indexOf(30), DEC);  
  // check if vector has elements
  if (intVector.isEmpty() == false) {  
    Serial.println("The vector has elements");
  Serial.print("The vector's last element is: ");
  // print the vector's last element  
  Serial.println(intVector.lastElement(), DEC);  
  Serial.print("The vector's last index of 10 is: ");
  // print the vector's last index of 10
  Serial.println(intVector.lastIndexOf(10), DEC);  
  Serial.print("The vector's size is: ");
  // print the vector's size
  Serial.println(intVector.size(), DEC);  

  // if adding element is successful
  if (intVector.add(255) == true) {  
    Serial.print("the element was added and now the vector's last element is: ");
    // print the vector's last element
    Serial.println(intVector.lastElement(), DEC);  

  intVector.addElement(256); // add another element
  Serial.print("now the vector's last element is: ");  
  // print the vector's last element
  Serial.println(intVector.lastElement(), DEC);  

  // insert a '0' at index 10
  intVector.insertElementAt(0, 10);  

  int t = intVector.elementAt(10);  // get the element at index 10
  Serial.print("t is: ");
  Serial.println(t, DEC);  // print its value

  intVector.remove(10);   // remove element at position 10
  t = intVector.get(10);  // get the element at position 10
  Serial.print("t after remove is: ");
  Serial.println(t, DEC);  // print the element at position 10

  // remove element at position 10
  // get the element at position 10
  t = intVector.get(10);
  // print the element at position 10
  Serial.print("t after removeElementAt is: ");  
  Serial.println(t, DEC);

  // remove element with value '23' from the Vector
  if (intVector.removeElement(23)==true) {  
    Serial.println("the element 23 was removed.");

  // set element at postion 5 with value 10
  intVector.setElementAt(10, 5);  
  // get the element at position 10
  t = intVector.get(5);  
  Serial.print("element at index 5 is now: ");
  // print the element at position 10
  Serial.println(t, DEC);  

  // clear all elements in the vector
  Serial.print("The vector's size after clear is: ");
  // print the vector's size 
  Serial.println(intVector.size(), DEC);  

void loop() {


Description A vector is a growable array of elements. Like an array, it contains components that can be accessed using an integer index. However, the size of a Vector can grow or shrink as needed to accommodate adding and removing items after the Vector has been created. The class Vector includes methods for examining individual elements, comparing, searching and extracting parts.

Note that the Wiring Vector class has differences with the processing or Java Vector class. The main difference is that some methods modify the actual vector instead of returning a modified copy of it and it can only hold simple types of elements: int, long or char.
capacity() Returns the current capacity of this vector
contains() Tests if the specified element is a component in this vector
firstElement() Returns the first element (the item at index 0) of this vector
indexOf() Searches for the first occurence of the given element
isEmpty() Tests if this vector has no elements
lastElement() Returns the last element of the vector
lastIndexOf() Returns the index value of the last occurrence of an element within the input element
size() Returns the number of elements in this vector
count() Returns the number of elements in this vector, (same as size)
copyInto() Copies the components of this vector into the specified array
add() Appends the specified element to the end of this vector
addElement() Adds the specified element to the end of this vector, increasing its size by one
clear() Removes all of the elements from this vector
ensureCapacity() Increases the capacity of this vector, if necessary, to ensure that it can hold at least the number of components specified by the minimum capacity argument
removeAllElements() Removes all elements from this vector and sets its size to zero
setSize() Sets the size of this vector
trimToSize() Trims the capacity of this vector to be the vector's current size
elementAt() Returns the component at the specified index
insertElementAt() Inserts the specified element as a component in this vector at the specified index
remove() Removes the element at the specified position in this vector
removeElementAt() Deletes the element at the specified index
setElementAt() Sets the component at the specified index of this vector to be the specified element
get() Returns the element at the specified position in this Vector
Vector <datatype> variable 
Vector(initialCapacity, capacityIncrement)
datatype datatype: the type of elements the array can hold: int, long, char etc.
data Vector: vector to be copied into the created vector
initialCapacity the vector's specified initial capacity
capacityIncrement the vector's specified initial capacity increment
Usage Application
Updated on July 07, 2011 11:09:20pm PDT

Creative Commons License